Words that end in wad
Words that end in wad

words that end in wad words that end in wad

MAP04 was probably my favorite map with its Tricks And Traps sort of setup, though I also loved the majority of MAP06 for its ammo tightness, and MAP07 was a great claustrophobic fight. This left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth for the map both times it happened. The one gameplay complaint I have is that I don't like the way the arachnotrons spawn in during the final battle of MAP06, it's out of nowhere and they often popped up right in front of me either blocking my way or making me rocket my face. I don't have much to complain about, the gameplay and map layouts are solid. Very competently made, with lots of polish. Definitely a mapset I'll find myself returning to in the future, I'm sure.

Words that end in wad